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Why fishing?

Why are you fishing? Why fishing is good for you and your health? We believe it's to spend time outside, relax, stay healthy and have fun. Fishing is much more than fish; it is relaxing and pure pleasure and also escapes from the stress from everyday life. What could be more entertaining than fighting a really big one with the lightest tackle and finally winning the fight? Your rod is bending, the line is gaining, and the fish is flipping and flopping, pulling and running, jumping and swirling. You need good skills, a little luck and your great rod, to win that fight. And you want to have the best rod that can help you in this encounter and provide you with as much fun and as many victories as possible.
    Fishing is a great way to connect you with the nature. You sit near the lake or shore, breathing clean fresh air, hearing the wind whistles through the trees and sound of the water lapping at the shore or a fish jumping of the water. Where else can you feel so relax and healthy, so pack your gear and go out fishing for promoting good health. Your body will thank you. If you don't know how pleasant it is when you fish, for a small investment you can take part in the pastime and learn about it. Anyone can fish at any age, a factor that makes it a great pastime for anyone.
    Fishing is a great way to strengthening family members relationships when fishing with your family, spending time together. Parents taking kids fishing is a great way to develop a good relationship with them and keep kids out of trouble, they are too busy to get into as much trouble as other kids. Parents fishing with their children will be closer to them; fishing together helps eliminate any generation gap. Fishing teaches young kids to be more patience, how to pay attention, and the rewards of doing something correctly.

Worldwide fishing is a very popular for a many reasons.

  • For some it's relaxing, stay healthy and to sooth frayed nerves. Sitting near the water, breathing clean fresh air, hearing the wind whistles and sound of the water lapping at the beach, watching a pole float floating on the water with eager expectation, waiting for it to tremble and then sink. It can be an exciting part of fishing, but nothing is more relaxing, the worries of the world, the stress from everyday life seem to go away. You're focused on one thing only and nothing else will bother you during that time.
  • For others it's an exciting, competitive sport that gets the heart beating and adrenalin flowing. There's something magical about the pull of a fish at the end of your line. It's almost addictive, once you feel it, you'll ask yourself why it wasn't sooner and you want to experience it again and again. What could be more entertaining than fighting a really big one with the lightest tackle and finally winning the fight? Your rod is bending, the line is gaining, and the fish is flipping and flopping, pulling and running, jumping and swirling. That's why people like to catch bigger fish — they fight harder than the smaller ones. That's why people tend to use the lightest equipment possible to accentuate the fight, to make it the most entertaining and exciting fight it can give you.
  • Some fish for the food since fresh fish are always the best. No any store-bought fish can come close to being as good as ones so fresh. Anyone who has eaten a fish caught and cooked right away within the few minutes’ period a raves about how great the fish taste. Plus you know where the fish came from and how they were handled and stored. Also it is much cheaper than to buy it. Just consider the cost of the equipment and bait as part of your recreation budget and consider the fish as a free bonus.
  • For some it is a great excuse for doing absolutely nothing but enjoying life and get away with it.

  • Does not really matter what is the reason why you are fishing. If you are doing it to spend time outside, relax, stay healthy and have fun, to get the heart beating and adrenalin flowing, to escape from the stress from everyday life, to connect yourself with the nature, to strengthen family, to develop a good relationship with kids or just to do nothing but enjoy life you are doing absolutely right thing.